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News  and information for employees, students, alumni and friends of Northwestern Michigan College

NMC Foundation celebrates success of Be What’s Possible campaign

TRAVERSE CITY — Last night, the NMC Foundation announced that Be What’s Possible, the Campaign for NMC, has raised $38.9 million to date from more than 5,000 donors to support scholarships, programs, facilities and the greatest needs of the students and...

Future Summit: Expert insight + dynamic discussion + you

TRAVERSE CITY — Northwestern Michigan College invites all community stakeholders to add their voices to the critical conversation about the college’s future at its strategic planning Future Summit, to be held virtually from 1-5 p.m. Wednesday, June 23....

Cafe Lobdell’s opens

TRAVERSE CITY — Northwestern Michigan College’s Great Lakes Culinary Institute will operate Cafe Lobdell’s for the fourth consecutive summer from June 29-Aug. 5. Cafe Lobdell’s is the capstone course in GLCI’s one-year Baking...

NMC Foundation celebrates success of Be What’s Possible campaign

TRAVERSE CITY — Last night, the NMC Foundation announced that Be What’s Possible, the Campaign for NMC, has raised $38.9 million to date from more than 5,000 donors to support scholarships, programs, facilities and the greatest needs of the students and...

Future Summit: Expert insight + dynamic discussion + you

TRAVERSE CITY — Northwestern Michigan College invites all community stakeholders to add their voices to the critical conversation about the college’s future at its strategic planning Future Summit, to be held virtually from 1-5 p.m. Wednesday, June 23....

Cafe Lobdell’s opens

TRAVERSE CITY — Northwestern Michigan College’s Great Lakes Culinary Institute will operate Cafe Lobdell’s for the fourth consecutive summer from June 29-Aug. 5. Cafe Lobdell’s is the capstone course in GLCI’s one-year Baking...

Fall 2021 COVID-19 Safety Reminder

NMC President Nick Nissley and nursing student Kendall McNitt share three simple steps on how to to keep safe and stay healthy this fall and winter: Stay home if you or another household member are sick; wear a mask indoors while at NMC; and wash your hands thoroughly...

President Nissley: Our commitment to student and cadet safety

Good afternoon Northwestern Michigan College family, Over the past three weeks, the U.S. Department of Transportation, the U.S. Maritime Administration, and the entire U.S. maritime industry has been addressing the issue of sexual assault and sexual harassment onboard...

Trustee resignation, board to appoint successor

Dear NMC community, Trustee Rachel Johnson shared with the Board of Trustees last night she is resigning from her position for personal reasons. Trustee Johnson first joined the board in November 2016. During her tenure she served as Chair and Vice Chair, as well as a...

Advocates for Benzie County: listening sessions

Advocates for Benzie County is sponsoring several listening sessions to hear residents' needs and concerns regarding higher education access in Benzie County. As the group has been promoting the sessions, NMC wanted to ensure that our students and employees have also...

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